The Milkhouse Gift Shop
 | We carry spinning fibers: wool,
alpaca, mohair, blends and others |
 | We have natural colored two and
three ply yarns commercially spun from our own flock’s wool as
well as some "exotic" yarns. |
 | We have hand crafted items:
knitted, woven, spun and felted and hand-made soaps. |
 | We have hard-to-find tanned sheep
skins |
 | We have handmade Amish pattern and
antique quilts |
 | We have locally made pure New York
Maple Syrup |
 | We have rug hooking supplies -
hooks, dyes and backing as well as books and kits |
 | Instruction available for knitting,
spinning, weaving and traditional primitive rug hooking |
 | Gift certificates |
 | Bus parking available |
 | Tour groups welcome -
demonstrations with wool and lectures on shepherding vs. sheep
herding and basic farm life with advance notice. |
 | 100% wool comforters ready to slip
into your own duvet covers. |